Hoani Waititi Marae
Board of Trustees
Ko Te Kōroingo Matua
Kia mana tonu te ara Mātauranga Māori nei hei kitenga otirā hei tauira whāi mo te Ao.
Our Vision
Hoani Waititi Marae is recognised as a global centre of excellence in indigenous education and cultural innovation
Ko Te Kawenga Kōroingo
Kia whakatipua ngā kaupapa kawe nei hei puwāitanga mō te Marae
Our Mission
To grow cultural, educational, social and economic capacity of whānau together.
Ngā Uaratanga
How we manifest the intrinsic way in which we embody those beliefs.
Our Values
As uri of Hoani Waititi Marae we have a unique whakawhanaungatanga bound by our belief in the Waititi Kaupapa. As we are connected through our Marae, we come from the four corners of Aotearoa but are together under our whakapono to the Waititi Way.
Eynon Delamere
ChairpersonHone Matthews
Trustee MemberTahuri Tumoana
Trustee MemberCarolyn Morgan
Trustee MemberPamela Spooner
Trustee MemberJoe Waru
Trustee MemberTom Harris
Trustee MemberPat Tobin
Trustee MemberAroha Te Namu
Trustee MemberShane White
Marae ManagerKo te whānau te oranga tonutanga o te Marae
Whānau is at the heart of everything we do.