Hoani Waititi Marae https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz Hoani Waititi Marae Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:26:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-waititilogo_vertical-32x32.png Hoani Waititi Marae https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz 32 32 Covid Alert and Update Tāmaki Taitokerau. https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-alert-and-update-tamaki-taitokerau/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-alert-and-update-tamaki-taitokerau https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-alert-and-update-tamaki-taitokerau/#respond Thu, 28 Jan 2021 05:35:23 +0000 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/?p=2637 29 Jan 2021 Covid 19 Tests from Kaimahi and staff at the Marae have returned negative, the Marae is open and operating as usual. 28 Jan 2021 The Marae as a pre-cautionary measure has closed for the rest of this week and have sent staff to be tested for Covid 19. Therefore the Marae has […]

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29 Jan 2021

Covid 19 Tests from Kaimahi and staff at the Marae have returned negative, the Marae is open and operating as usual.

28 Jan 2021

The Marae as a pre-cautionary measure has closed for the rest of this week and have sent staff to be tested for Covid 19. Therefore the Marae has temporarily closed until further notice.

You can however still contact us at [email protected] .

Here is the latest update, from the Ministry of Health.

3 new cases of COVID-19 at the border and an update on border-related cases in Auckland

Media release

28 January 2021

Whole genome sequencing carried out overnight has confirmed the two border-related COVID-19 cases that were reported out of cycle last night are observed to be variant 20C/501Y.V2 (lineage B.1.351), first identified in South Africa.

From the information we currently have, it appears these cases have a link to the managed isolation facility at the Pullman Hotel however further investigation is currently underway to confirm how close the lineage of these cases is to the previously reported case in Northland.

The two latest cases have now been transferred to a quarantine facility in Auckland, separate from the Pullman. A third family member, who has returned negative COVID-19 tests, is currently isolating at home.

Eight locations of interest have been identified in relation to the two latest cases and are listed on our website. From information available so far, we have identified 11 close contacts – all of whom are isolating and have had their first test. Five results have come back negative, and the results of the remainder are still to come back.

Investigations will continue today into the latest two cases, including further interviews with contact tracing staff. As a result, a potential increase in the number of locations of interest, close and casual plus contacts is not unexpected.

Locations of interest

From the information we have to date, we know the risk of transmission from any particular location of interest is low.

The public health advice to businesses is that all the staff on-site at the same time as the case should get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative test result.

Further advice on cleaning of businesses is available on the Ministry website.

Testing in the community

Two new pop up testing stations have been opened north of Auckland to manage the expected demand in testing over the coming days.

The pop up testing centres are in Orewa and Albany and are in addition to the six regional community testing centres and a number of other primary care clinics offering testing.

We anticipate the potential for some delays at the some of the sites, which is why extra staff from other sites south of Auckland have been transferred to the North Shore to help out, while public health staff will be walking through any queued cars, carrying out welfare checks, and ensuring people waiting are looked after.

Further details are available on the Auckland Regional Public Health Service website.

In the first few hours, almost 600 people had been tested at the two pop-up sites.

In Northland, testing numbers have remained high but manageable. Since 24 January, a total of 3,479 tests have been carried out in Northland.

On Wednesday, a total of 8,306 tests were processed nationally.  

The seven-day rolling average for testing up to yesterday is 5,176 tests processed.

Update on Northland case 

As previously reported, the Northland case is now considered recovered.

More than 600 people have now been identified as casual plus contacts as a result of either using a QR code or contacting Healthline. Of that number more than 450 have returned a negative test. We are continuing to monitor the remaining people to ensure tests are taken. We are aware these numbers may continue to change daily.

Case numbers

In addition to the previously reported cases last night, there are 4 new border cases of COVID-19 – all have been transferred to a quarantine facility.

New border case details 

Arrival date  From  Via  Positive test day/reason  Managed isolation/quarantine location 
23 January United Kingdom United Arab Emirates Day 3 / routine  Auckland
24 January Japan Direct flight Day 2 / routine and contact of a case Auckland
24 January Japan Direct flight Day 2 / routine and contact of a case Auckland

Four previously reported cases have now recovered. The total number of active cases in is 69.  Our total number of confirmed cases is 1,943.


NZ COVID Tracer now has 2,514,708 registered users.

The total number of poster scans is now 162,282,854.

Users have created a total of 6,658,969 manual diary entries.

“We’re currently seeing a healthy increase every day in scanning. Your efforts to scan in are helping ’s response to COVID-19.

It’s incredibly important that people keep a record of where they’ve been. It can help support contact tracers in tracing potential close and casual contacts of people who have tested positive for COVID-19.

“We recommend people continue to scan NZ COVID Tracer app. The more we all scan, the safer we’ll all be. The data is stored on your phone until you choose to share it.

“The use of the app – through QR code scanning, recording manual diary entries, and Bluetooth – is just one of the tools available to support contact tracing. It’s not the only one.  It’s important the COVID Tracer app is viewed in the wider context of ’s elimination strategy,” says Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Media contact

Blair Cunningham
021 195 3978

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Trade Training with NZMA https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/trade-training-with-nzma/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=trade-training-with-nzma https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/trade-training-with-nzma/#respond Wed, 09 Dec 2020 23:14:42 +0000 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/?p=2602 Tena koutou, with regards to the NZMA enrolments. The NZMA enrollment officer will be coming down to the MaraeMonday 14th 9-3pmWednesday 16th 9-3pm. He/she will help with the online applications There is a numeracy & literacy test and an interviewThe numeracy/literacy test is to ascertain if any students need remedial help NZMA have a remedial […]

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Tena koutou, with regards to the NZMA enrolments. The NZMA enrollment officer will be coming down to the MaraeMonday 14th 9-3pmWednesday 16th 9-3pm.

He/she will help with the online applications There is a numeracy & literacy test and an interviewThe numeracy/literacy test is to ascertain if any students need remedial help NZMA have a remedial programme.

We also have talked to The Waitākere Adult literacy programme for any extra remedial help which is a free service. All applicants will need to bring a birth certificate or passportIf they don’t have those there are a couple of options.

If they have certified copies at WINZ or any place similar then NZMA will accept verified copies. They can make a whakapapa statement verified by a Kaumatua.

NZMA will purchase the birth certificate. At the moment we have three trades training opportunities for 20211.

1.Carpentry – 40 places

2. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Drainage – 20 places

3. Painting and Plastering – 20 places

Nō reira e te whānau kia kaha kia tātou, kei a tātou te huarahi tika.

You can acess the flyer here:Trades West Programme Flyer
Kylie Wilson Trade Training NZMA CEO with Hoani Waititi Whānau. Photo Credit NZRadio

Click here to read Radio Story.

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COVID 19 Update 3 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-19-update-3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-19-update-3 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-19-update-3/#respond Sun, 19 Apr 2020 18:54:34 +0000 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/?p=2546 AUCKLAND WIDE Tēnā koutou e ngā whānau o tō tātou Marae o Hoani Waititi, te tumanako e ora ana koutou i o koutou kainga mahana. As we are approaching the end of the 4th week of lock down we realise that some of our whānau may require some support. Here are some of the places […]

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Tēnā koutou e ngā whānau o tō tātou Marae o Hoani Waititi, te tumanako e ora ana koutou i o koutou kainga mahana.

As we are approaching the end of the 4th week of lock down we realise that some of our whānau may require some support. Here are some of the places you can contact to receive help .

We are constantly reviewing our position but for now and until further notice our Marae will be closed. You can however still contact us via our toll free number.

0800 Waititi – 0800 9248484

 Auckland Council

Aucklanders unable to afford groceries or in self–isolation with no access to other support networks can call 0800 22 22 96 between 7am and 7pm, seven days a week. Callers must meet government criteria for assistance.

 Salvation Army

0800 53 00 00

Text your name and postcode to 4114 and a rep. will contact you within 48 hours.

 Presbyterian Support Northern

09 309 2054

Collections between 11am – 12pm, Monday to Friday from 8 Madeira Lane, Grafton. No walk-ins.

 Foodbank NZ

022 045 8184

[email protected]


 Auckland City Mission

09 303 9200

Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 3.00pm

 The Fono (Pasifika only)

COVID-19 Pacific Family Package


[email protected]

0800 366 648



[email protected]

0800 887 667

 Generation Ignite

[email protected]

Drive-through foodbank at 1pm on Fridays at the New Lynn Community Centre, 45 Totara Ave. Operating until 3pm or parcels run out.

 Hope Centre Foodbank


[email protected]

44H, Unit 4 Portage Road, New Lynn

 Care Waitākere (Te Atatū only)

[email protected].

(09) 834 6480 or 0211133355

Pickup food parcels on Thursdays

Available for those in need who are ineligible for WINZ food grants

 Village Community Trust


Delivering food parcels Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Nō reira noho ora mai i raro i ngā manaakitanga o te Runga Rawa.

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Groceries for those in Need. https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/groceries-for-those-in-need/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=groceries-for-those-in-need https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/groceries-for-those-in-need/#respond Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:29:57 +0000 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/?p=2518 Tēnā koutou, mē ngā whakaaro nui o te wā ki ā koutou kei ō koutou kainga e noho haumaru ana i tenei wā. The Auckland Council and Auckland Emergency Management department have launched a grocery distribution program for those Aucklanders who are in need. The number is 0800 22 22 96 an eligibility criteria is […]

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Tēnā koutou, mē ngā whakaaro nui o te wā ki ā koutou kei ō koutou kainga e noho haumaru ana i tenei wā.

The Auckland Council and Auckland Emergency Management department have launched a grocery distribution program for those Aucklanders who are in need.

The number is 0800 22 22 96 an eligibility criteria is applicable. Noho Kainga Noho Haumaru!

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Covid-19 Marae Shutdown https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-19-marae-shutdown-3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-19-marae-shutdown-3 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/covid-19-marae-shutdown-3/#respond Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:27:23 +0000 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/?p=2502 He hōnore he korōria He maungarongo ki te whenua He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa. Tauārai te po tītoki ki te ao mārama tīhe māuri ora. E ngā uri, e ngā whānau ō tō tātou Marae, tēnā koutou katoa. We are moving into unprecedented times and with the recent announcement by the Prime Minister […]

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He hōnore he korōria

He maungarongo ki te whenua

He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa.

Tauārai te po tītoki ki te ao mārama tīhe māuri ora.

E ngā uri, e ngā whānau ō tō tātou Marae, tēnā koutou katoa. We are moving into unprecedented times and with the recent announcement by the Prime Minister moving us into alert level 4, Hoani Waititi Marae, Kura and Kōhanga reo will close until further notice. Currently the Marae is looking at ways we can support whānau and those who are most vulnerable as we look at stopping the spread of this rewharewha nui. Limited social services will be available through our call free number 0800 Waititi – 0800 9248484 We will also post updates via facebook and our website. Ma ringa kaha o to tātou Atua I taupokina atu te korowai o te manaaki, te pakau o aroha ki runga ki a koutou katoa.

Eynon Delamare


Hoani Waititi Marae Trust

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Ngā Tūmanako Wins Te Matatini 2019 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/nga-tumanako-wins-te-matatini-2019/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nga-tumanako-wins-te-matatini-2019 https://hoaniwaititimarae.co.nz/nga-tumanako-wins-te-matatini-2019/#respond Sat, 23 Feb 2019 18:02:41 +0000 http://www.qualitydezigns.co.nz/hoani/?p=255 A rōpū [team] from Tāmaki-Makaurau Auckland has taken out the competition at Te Matatini, and will take home the top prize as the new Toa Whakahuwaka. Ngā Tūmanako were awarded the Ngāpō and Pimia Wehi Duncan McIntyre Trophy, with a performance that centred on the revitalisation of te reo Māori. Wet weather couldn’t dampen the finals competition at Te Matatini on […]

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A rōpū [team] from Tāmaki-Makaurau Auckland has taken out the competition at Te Matatini, and will take home the top prize as the new Toa Whakahuwaka. Ngā Tūmanako were awarded the Ngāpō and Pimia Wehi Duncan McIntyre Trophy, with a performance that centred on the revitalisation of te reo Māori. Wet weather couldn’t dampen the finals competition at Te Matatini on Sunday, which was described as “fiercely fought” by organisers.

The kapa haka competition, which took place at Westpac Stadium over four days from Thursday last week, was notable this year for new arrivals to the finals stage, as well as the absence of past champions.

The first-time winners Ngā Tūmanako took out 46 other teams to take the title. That included Te Waka Huia, which, despite being five-time winners, did not make the finals this year despite a moving performance about suicide.

The upper North Island dominated places in the finals, with three teams from Te Arawa Bay of Plenty and three from the Waikato making up six of the nine teams in the finals. Second place getters Te Piki Kōtuku o Ngāti Rongomai from Te Arawa were first time finalists, and impressed with their quick taiaha movements and strong singing.

Third place went to Te Whānau-ā-Apanui from Mataatua, who sang songs about the Ringatū faith and its tribal connections. This year’s winners will have a homeground advantage at the next competition, with the mauri [lifeforce] of Te Matatini heading to Auckland where the biennial event will be held at Eden Park in 2021.

Te Matatini ki te Ao 2019 finalists

  • 1st: Ngā Tūmanako
  • 2nd: Te Piki Kōtuku o Ngāti Rongomai
  • 3rd: Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau a Apanui



  • Te Mātārae I Ōrehu
  • Mōtai Tangata Rau
  • Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao
  • Te Pou o Mangatāwhiri
  • Whāngārā Mai Tawhiti
  • Te Iti Kahurangi

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